coucou les zamis
voilà j'ai craqué... un peu de franchise ne fait pas de mal
J'ai envoyé un mail à Elisabeth Wagen (aavso staff)
la personne qui m'a envoyé le superbe diplôme (qui ne sert à rien disons-le)
Dear Elizabeth
Thank you very much for this award
An award is a pleasure to read but... it is not the good solution I think
... as I have a regret to tell you...
We (observers) upload observations on the aavso website which take hundred, thousand of hours
- buying hard et soft
- searching for the best process for images
- learning how to do photometry...
- getting images spending many hours during the night
it is very very time consuming for our life.
but the oberver NEVER see the feed back of his images and data uploaded to aavso :
- are our data used for publications ?
- if yes which publications ?
- and the observer is not credited on professionnal papers I see...
I sent thousand of measures on variable stars since 20 years but I have never
seen a professionnal paper with the credit of my name for these observations uploaded on aavso.
Here is my ADS account ... 0desc&p_=0
You will see 24 publications for my name Coliac J. concerning occultations, asteroid lightcurves, phemu, discovering of double stars
but NO publications from the thousand of data that I uploaded to AAVSO.
It would be a great improvement in the functionnement of aavso if
1) the observer could be credited of his name in professionnal publications
2) the aavso could send a mail when the data of one observer
is used indicating the paper published with professionnal astronomers.
We have the sensation that our data are not used....
What do you think of this reflexion ?
Best regards
Jean-François Coliac