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Accès aux mesures du catalogue WDS

Publié : 10 août 2023, 12:05
par Philippe LAURENT
Voici une info intéressante concernant le catalogue WDS, figurant sur la circulaire UAI de juin 2023 :

Dear colleagues,
We are preparing to make all measures currently summarized in the Washington Double
Star (WDS) Catalog available on our websites. The data format will be virtually identical
to our internal catalog and will be very familiar to those who have made data requests in
the past.
We will still perform data requests for those preferring to have all data on individual
systems from our various catalogs collected, but for those wishing to peruse the entire
collection that will now be possible.
It is possible that we could entertain presenting data in formats other than the flat ascii
format in which it is presently delivered.
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to let us know.
We do not anticipate this change being implemented before early in the second quarter
of 2024.
Main WDS website:
Alternate website:
Brian D. Mason & Rachel A. Matson
U.S. Naval Observatory

Enfin !